“How come almost all marketing and brand-building concentrate on two senses when we know appealing to all five is likely to double brand awareness and strengthen the impression a brand leaves on its audience?”
– Mark Lindstrom

Boost your brand engagement and exposure anywhere across the nation.
Daylight readable video. High-definition audio. Striking custom-printed visuals.
Our digital mobile-truck billboard, also known as AdVans are a uniquely powerful way to raise awareness about your brand or product in any location nationwide. By combining theater-quality messages with enthusiastic brand ambassadors and opportunities for social media interaction, gaming, and even custom-developed content, these digital mobile-truck billboards can facilitate unparalleled participation and memorable experiences for your key demographics. As out-of-home experts, APM is here to design the most innovative campaigns to help launch a new product, execute experiential events, promote brands and engage audiences.
The Advan media experience can be tailored to reach a national audience with multiple units providing regional coverage or a hyper-local niche demographic. AdVans were developed in 2001 by All Points Media founder Darrell McSmith and partners. In just over 19 years, we’ve established ourselves as experts in this innovative media option that manages the planning, production, and logistics for each custom AdVan campaign. Here’s how it works.
AdVan Lifecycle

Daylight Readable
1080p HD Video Screens
Passenger Side Screen: 4′ H x 5′ W (4:3 Ratio)
Driver Side Screen: 6′ H x 12′ W (16:9 Ratio)
Video Formats
Wifi Capable
XBox One
Satellite & Live Feed Capabilities
Superior Sound Systems
Six Premium Speakers
Top of the Line Performance Receiver
Dolby/Digital Quality